Bathroom Renovations - 2008

In January 1998, Gerry had an accident and plans became delayed and confused. But in February, we found another contractor, Dave Tyrrell, who, though unmet, agreed to proceed with the next stage - renovating the awful bathroom on the second floor and adding a new ensuite for the planned bedroom addition.


In March, I went back to Hamilton, met Dave and proceeded with the bathroom work. Dave began constructing the new bath in an area of what used to be a bedroom. Meanwhile I stripped four layers of wall paper the bottom layer dating back to 1911, off the walls of the front bedroom since we were sacrificing the closet in that room to make the existing bathroom larger.


(click on picture to see a larger version)

The old bathroom viewed
from the hallway

The old bathroom from

Dave working on removing the sacrificed closet

The door to the closet from
the front bedroom

Showing the removed closet
space from the bathroom

New bathroom as viewed
from the hallway

New bathroom from

New bathtub