Meet C. S. Lewis - our newest family member
Our new family member as of December 6, 2013
(More about him)
Lewis and the Christmas Tree - 2014
Sophie (aka Sophia) - she's a doll!
Our new family member as of October 14, 2012
When we saw her for the first time (on Saturday, October 6, 2012) her name was Jenny and she was sharing a room with more than a dozen other cats -
all rescued by Special Ones Cat Rescue. Read on...
Whiska (aka Whisky)
Our new family member as of October 19, 2011
Why "Whiska?"
When we adopted her, she was called "Mitsu." But we both agreed that that name didn't suit her. We tried "What's-It" because we both wondered why we had chosen a low-affectionate, grey cat. Then we thought of "Meercat" because she was inclined to stand on ther back paws (and we love meercats.)"Whisky" because of George's fondness for this nectar.
Eventually, we narrowed in on "Whisky", or whiskey (formerly called whiskeybae), is from the Irish uisce beathadh.
As a baby boy or baby girl name, Whisky comes from the English word which means: "Someone with a soft & furry nature..."
But it sounded too boyish. So we modified her name to WHISKA.
But Tana said that Whiska always reminded her of cat food so she calls her "Whisky."
Read her side of the story
Topaz joined our family on November 10, 2010.
Guess who is who
Tana's reasons to give Clancy the name Topaz
T'is the night before Christmas
Happy Valentine's Day from Topaz
Mr. Galileo (aka Gali)
sadly died December 15th, 2011
During our time at Scholefield House, 'Gali' was our 'greeter' as well as computer assistant.
He was known to eat only the best Brie and Hagen Das ice cream.
He is a 'suck' for attention and often slept through breakfast in his bed in front of our fireplace.
A photograph of Galileo similar to this appeared in the Ottawa
Citizen newspaper click here to see
Enchantée ("Chanté")
sadly died August 23rd, 2010
means "bewitching," "enchanting."
She 'managed' us from her basket in the window and opened our mail
She loved the cream that is left over after breakfast at Scholefield House but was shy to ask.
Enchante's Delight is a "magic concoction" of three herbs, contains equal amounts of:
Catnip - Chamomile - Pennyroyal
Read her Obit here
Mr. Pilgrim
sadly died February 4th, 2005
He was the eldest of the group, like a "bachelor uncle,"
who tried to ignore the two young white things but secretly enjoyed their attention.
His domain was the English herb garden and patio.
He will be sorely missed!
(Read his obit.)
Our "working cats" were featured on